Bedford and Forsyth Education Centres

Welcome Back

The staff at BFEC hope you had a nice summer and are ready to get back to school. The summer goes by way to fast for sure!

Opening Day: We want to remind you all of Opening day for BFEC Students. The first day back for students is Thursday September 5. Classes will begin at 9:40am. As students arrive on that morning, schedules will be available in the main lobby area of your campus.

PowerSchool will be ready for students on Tuesday September 3.

Student Fee: There is a student fee of $20 for every student. CASH ONLY. We will be collecting it on September 6.

Student Handbook: Attached to this message is a Student Information for the start up to school. It is also available on the school web site along with the student handbook for 2019-2020. We hope students take the time to read through it so they know what the expectations are to be a successful student at BFEC.

Important Dates:

Sept. 5- First day back for students. Sept. 12 - Pink Day Sept. 19 - Curriculum night Sept. 27- Professional Development Day- No students