Bedford and Forsyth Education Centres


What’s myBluePrint?
Lots of BFEC students, at both campuses, are up and running on “myBlueprint”! MyBlueprint is a new comprehensive education and career/life planning online program for students that is being implemented across Nova Scotia. This program allows students to discover their learning and personality styles, interests, and motivation factors which lead to job specific compatibility surveys for their occupation matches. There is a high school course planner which allows students to visually plan for graduation requirements and see their eligibility for post-secondary education and employment in Canada. MyBlueprint also includes the most current information about post-secondary opportunities including: specific program requirements, tuition cost, and links to program information allowing students to compare local and province-specific information on apprenticeships, programs. Guidance counsellors, Mr. Mantley and Ms. Ritcey, love talking to students about life after graduation and are excited to keep exploring myBlueprint with BFEC students!