
Nutrition Month

Nutrition Month

Did you know? March is Nutrition Month! This year’s theme, Nourish to Flourish, highlights the important role that food has on our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.  

Sweet and Greet Feb 25th

Sweet and Greet

You are invited to attend our Sweet and Greet on Tuesday, February 25th. This will be an opportunity to come visit us here at BFEC meet teachers, and be treated to homemade sweets. We would love to say hello!!

What: Sweet and Greet

· Learn about what your student is learning.

Early Dismissal Feb 13th

For Thursday, February 13, 2025 - BFEC is open, but will dismiss students early.  

This means students will be dismissed at their regularly scheduled lunch hour. Afternoon classes are cancelled for today.

Reminder: February 17 is Heritage Day

Reminder: February 17 is Heritage Day

Heritage Day 2025 honours the late Nora Madeline Bernard. From Millbrook First Nation, she was a Mi'kmaq activist who fought for her community and First Nations people across Canada.  

Quarter 2 Report Cards

Quarter 2report cards have been electronically distributed. Student can access their report card from the gnspes launch page, look for the red post office symbol. Parents/guardians with portal access will receive a link to access their students report card.

Quarter 3 Start

Quarter 3 starts, Monday February 3rd. Staff will be in the foyer at 9:20 to pass out schedules to students. Morning classes start at 9:40am and afternoon at 12:45.

African Heritage Month

Celebrate African Heritage Month 2025

African Heritage Month in Nova Scotia, celebrated each February, honours the contributions of African Nova Scotians.  

Wednesday Jan 29th Exams

Wednesday, January 29th morning exams will go ahead as scheduled today. 
Wednesday, January 29th afternoon exams will be postponed until tomorrow afternoon, Thursday, January 30th.


Quarter 2 Exams January 2025

Exams are scheduled January 24th to 30th. Please see attached schedules. Quarter 3 begins on February 3rd, 2025.