
Parent/Guardian/Student - Progress Conferences

Our Parent/Guardian and Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday December 5th with an afternoon session from 1:00pm and 3:00pm and an evening session from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. No appointment is needed.

The last day of school for 2024 is December 20. The first day of school for students in the new year will be January 3.

Happy Holiday Break

The last day of school for 2024 is December 20. The first day of school for students in the new year will be January 3. 

Quarter 1 Report Cards

Quarter 1report cards have been electronically distributed. Student can access their report card from the gnspes launch page, look for the red post office symbol. Parents/guardians with portal access will recieve a link to acces their students report card.

Quarter 2 Start

Quarter 1 starts, Tuesday November 12th. Schedules will be available in the foyer and staff will be there to pass out schedules at 9:20 am. Morning classes start at 9:40am and afternoon at 12:45.