Bedford and Forsyth Education Centres

Quarter 3 Exams: Thursday

This is an important message to all students and families about Quarter 3 Exams.

There is a Special Weather Statement for Thursday April 6. It appears as though we may have some freezing rain, making for a potential School cancellation or delayed start. We will need to wait until the morning for any cancellations or changes in the school day. Please listen to radio and check Social Media for this decision.  As of right now, exams will take place tomorrow morning at both campuses.

Here is the plan if our School day/Exam schedule is impacted by weather.

If schools have a Delayed Start:  If HRCE communicates a delayed start we will have students come for the afternoon and write their exams from 12:45 to 3:10pm.

If School is cancelled for the Day:  We will communicate the new exam schedule to students on Tuesday April 11.