Bedford and Forsyth Education Centres

About Our School - Who We Serve

BFEC invites high school learners, 16 years and older, including adults of any age, to a student centred high school model leading to completion of  NS high school credits.  BFEC is a self-referral school for students who can make the commitment to regular school attendance, positive course participation, and a safe and healthy learning environment.

There are on-going opportunities to register throughout the year. There are multiple starting points and you can commit to one course or several. All demonstrations of learning must be completed in class.

Courses focus on outcomes  – what the student must know and demonstrate – and are marked on a scale of 1-4. At reporting time, these scores are turned into a percentage grade indicating how well students have done on what they have accomplished to date.

Daytime offerings vary from campus to campus. Students who have already graduated may apply to attend.  To express interest in BFEC, please submit the online Expression of Interest.

To apply to BFEC, please submit the online Expression of Interest.