Modified Schedule Request Bedford

BFEC students are registered in one or two classes per quarter. Our classes run every day of the week, Monday-Friday. Since we are an alternative high school, BFEC can offer students flexibility through the modified schedule program. Student modified schedules are accommodated on a case-by-case basis and re-evaluated every quarter. Modified schedules are meant to be a temporary measure to support regular attendance and help transition a student to school.

Requests for modified schedules are reviewed Wednesdays at a weekly meeting of our Teaching Support Team: Admin, School Counselor, Social Worker, and Resource teacher. 

School staff code student absences approved for the Modified Schedule as APP (School Approved Absence); these absences are not considered time missed towards loss of credit.   You may click here to link to the Provincial Student Attendance and Engagement Policy.

In turn, students are expected to:

  • Attend school on the days they are scheduled to be present.

    • If the student is absent on a scheduled day, there is an expectation that the student will attend on an approved absence day. 

      • For example: if a student is scheduled to attend M,W,F but was absent on Monday, they are expected to make up the missed day on Tuesday or Thursday.)

  • Students are responsible to complete work assigned on a daily basis and keep up with course material, even on the days they are not scheduled to be present. 

  • Students will need to be available to attend a pre-scheduled assessment or activity that is not replicable. 

    • For example, if a teacher has a lab scheduled, a student must attend the lab. They can have the school approved absence reassigned to another day that week.

If you would like to apply for a modified schedule, please fill out this google form.